Friday, 27 April 2012

Cornwall 2nd Team Season Report

Played 8: Won 5 - Lost 3

The Kernow 2nds got off to a flying start this season, with convincing victories over Somerset and Wiltshire respectively. Unfortunately, there was a mid-season dip with back to back defeats against Dorset 3 (who would turn out to be our nemesis) and the Isle of Wight, however, our guys and gals got back on track with another impressive win against Wiltshire 3 in the New Year. So, with just 2 more fixtures to play, we were cautiously optimistic about getting through to the divisional play-offs. But, on an extremely cold and wet Sunday in March, the black and golds made their way up to Dorset’s home venue near Bournemouth. The temperature of the ‘hangar’ like hall was painfully cold and had a massive effect on the speed of the shuttles, which, unfortunately, our opposition dealt better with than us. After a valiant effort by all, we were just beaten 6-9. The mood was sombre not made any better by the lack of showering facilities and no food, (just tea and coffee). The homeward journey was the longest and most miserable ever.

The whole team are to be commended for digging in deep and putting the experience behind them as we came out victorious against the Isle of Wight in the final match of the season.

The future looks promising with some of our talented CYB troupe hopefully looking forward to complimenting the experienced core of players in the 2nd team who have this season, given gritty and determined performances in every match.

Squad for season 2011/12:

Jan Santillo, Lynda Beer, Laura Harper, Rose Willis, Beth Rich, Bron Wotton, Beth Wotton, Lorna Riggs

Bob Bell, Kelvin Edwards, Sam Spencer, Dave Harrington, Tom Lyle, Josh Pearce, Chris Glasson, Tony Clark, Tony Marshall.

Lorna Riggs - Team Manager